Wednesday, April 18, 2012

First Name Smith: buy a book, save a smile

My sister.

God, I love her.

She’s an incredibly amazing, talented, creative, funny, and beautiful person.

We were born 10 years apart. My mom found out she was pregnant with my sister one day after dad had his vasectomy. She was truly meant to be. Brie and I were always close.

The bigger age gap afforded me the opportunity to enjoy my little sister as if she were one of my own kids, in a way. I was always her confidant. She was always my wee little one that I kept close to my heart.

My sister had a cleft lip – a deformation of the lip in utero where two sides of her top lip didn’t fuse together. I’m sure you’ve seen the commercials showing photos of kids affected. Most likely to a really sad Sarah McLaughlin song that makes you want to rip out your own heart. It’s a hell of a physical deformity. Not only impacting the way you look, but your ability to form words and sentences, eating problems, ear disease, speech and socialization problems.

In great partnership, Campus Book Rentals is teaming up with Operation Smile to fund over 1,000 lifesaving cleft lip surgeries this year alone to children in need. Check out Share the link with anyone you may know in hopes that more children can benefit from this partnership.

And thank you Campus Book Rentals and Operation Smile. What you are doing is truly dear to my heart.



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