Line 18 a3z5b4 Stern-Gerlach Spin Nuclear FUSE Polarized Fuels Coulomb Barrier 5g WOW SETI
5g force ufo engine acceleration plasma formulas
part 180 of 100 videos there are more videos after this one i’ll post all then update the #.
Math Equation Wow Seti 1977 radio signal alien
Line 18 a3z5b Uniform Convergence Tetrahedra Isomer Hydrocarbon Cracking 5g WOW SETI
Line 18 a3z5b2 Polarized Laser Light Optical Rotation Argon Gas WAVE metastable Atoms 5g WOW SETI
Line 18 a3z5b3a Nuclear Fusion Collision Spin Polarized Plasmas Electron Heating Velocity 5g WOW SETI
Line 18 a3z5b3b Tetrahedrite Quark Wafers CVD Thermal Spraying Plasma 5g WOW SETI
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Line 18 a3z5b3d Atomic F Shell Complex Numbers Interval Cutting Tensor 5g WOW SETI
Line 18 a3z5b4 Stern-Gerlach Spin Nuclear FUSE Polarized Fuels Coulomb Barrier 5g WOW SETI
Line 18 a3z5b5 Coulomb Barrier Nuclear Bi-sphere Fiber Laser Light Resonators 5g WOW SETI
Line 18 a3z5b6 NASA Plasma Powered UFO Technology Electromagnetic 5g WOW SETI
March 22, 2012 10 03 pm edt
My thoughts
I didn’t really understand all the scientific terminology in creating Nuclear Fusion.
This paints a easier picture to digest.
My thoughts continued:
Nuclear Fusion Formula ideas from “Jamie Ray’s” article.
Spin + polarized fuels + depolarization techniques + sustained fusion power + spin polarization
= 5g UFO Engine speed progress using several techniques of nuclear power.
notes quotes
The famous Stern-Gerlach experiment demonstrates the existence of spin by using magnetic fields to produce a force on the nuclei according to their spin.
For the purpose of fusion, it is important to understand that a particle (in our case, a nucleus) can only take on quantized values of spin. Moreover, while different particles can have different allowed values for their spin, it is is difficult to control the spins of a big group of particles – they tend to just be randomly distributed.
[1] Finally, if we do manage to manipulate spin, we must remember that the total value of angular momentum (like charge) is conserved, so increasing one particle’s spin requires a decrease somewhere else. As it turns out, these quantum-mechanical rules play a role in the way that nuclei fuse together.
Fig. 1: The Stern-Gerlach setup, which originally used silver atoms. Notice that each spot corresponds to an allowed spin value, compared to the spectrum of spins expected without quantum mechanics. Source:Wikimedia Commons
Fig. 2 Reaction rates modeled by smooth curves as a function of the energy (expressed as temperature) of the reacting nuclei.
Fig. 2: Reaction rates modeled by smooth curves as a function of the energy (expressed as temperature) of the reacting nuclei. Source:Wikimedia Commons
Nuclear Cross-Sections
To put it simply, making two nuclei fuse into one is a difficult process even for the most common fusion reactions. There are two main forces involved – the electric force and the strong force. Nuclei are composed of protons, which have a positive electric charge, and neutrons, which have no charge.
Thus, the protons in one nucleus repel the protons in the other through the electric force. Obviously that can’t be the whole story or nuclei would just fly apart all the time. Instead, they are held together by what is called the ‘strong force,’ which acts only at small distances between these particles.
Once they get close enough, the strong force begins to attract them and they get pulled closer together. The problem for fusion is that ‘close enough’ is very close (almost touching) and requires the nuclei to be moving fast enough to defeat the electric repulsion, also known as the Coulomb barrier.
The ability to penetrate the Coulomb barrier can be measured for many different fusion reactions, and is known to the ‘fusion cross-section.’ We can compare fusion to the process of shooting an arrow at a target – one nucleus is the arrow, and the bulls-eye is the other.
If it is easy to get ‘close enough’ to fuse, then the bulls-eye is large. The twist is that the faster we shoot the arrow, the easier the target is to hit, because we are more likely to penetrate the Coulomb barrier!
There are many combinations of nuclei that can fuse to create energy, but the most favorable are those that can occur easily (large cross-section) and release a lot of energy per reaction.
Currently, the best candidates are processes that fuse a deuterium nucleus (deuterium is a form of hydrogen with an extra neutron) with either a tritium (two extra neutrons – this process is also known as D-T) or another deuterium (D-D) nucleus. [2]
There are several different development paths towards fusion power, the most popular of which are inertial confinement fusion (ICF) and magnetic confinement fusion (MCF). In ICF, a small pellet containing the nuclei to be fused (usually D-T) is imploded using high-power lasers to create a quick burst of fusion.
In contrast, MCF slowly heats a plasma that is contained by high-field superconducting magnets until it gets hot enough to fuse. While spin-polarization was really only a theoretical suggestion in the early 1980s, recent technological developments may have brought it into the range of practicality, and experiments using spin-polarized fuel may soon be conducted. [5] These tests of spin-polarization are crucial in answering several questions.
First, theorists predict that depolarization will occur slowly enough that fusion can be sustained, but this relies on models of the nucleus’ spin and the ways it can be changed that haven’t been tested in a reactor. [4,6] Furthermore, the ability to polarize fuel in the first place has not been fully tested. Current procedures require cooling atoms down to extremely low temperatures (less than 5 K) and subjecting them to intense magnetic fields.
[7] This allows the spins of the electrons to align with the magnetic field – at higher temperatures, the thermal energy of the electrons overpowers the effect of the magnet and prevents significant polarization. Then, over a long period of time (and often with the help of some other quantum mechanical coaxing) this spin can be transferred to the nuclei of deuterium atoms.
It is easy to predict the extent of the polarization based on theory, but actually measuring how many nuclei end up with spins in the same direction is quite difficult. Again, this issue is one that can partially be solved by actually testing a nuclear reaction using spin-polarized fuel. Depending on how polarized the fuel is, the reaction should both increase, and the direction and other properties of emitted particles will change.
[4] In considering the latter, one might imagine the analogy of playing pool: a cue ball that is spinning will result in the balls that it hits flying off in different directions (or with different spins) than one that is not spinning.
Again, there is no direct connection because ‘spin’ doesn’t come from spinning in the usual sense, but the example can give some insight into the ways spin-polarization might be detected from fusion reactions.
Finally, the true effect of spin-polarization on cross-sections in a practical fusion situation is not fully understood. Researchers are optimistic about the 50% increase in D-T fusion in particular, especially because this is the easiest reaction to use for experimental reactors.
Again, the effect on D-D fusion (which often is discussed in conjunction with D-He3 fusion) is less well understood. Some recent research claims that the suppression of neutrons, one of the most attractive potential features of spin-polarization, may not be significant at realistic energies.
However, others have proposed an experimental test that they claim should produce a 15% enhancement in the reaction rate! [5] This and other tests can shed light on our ability to spin-polarize fuels, the effect of such polarization on fusion cross sections, and the rate at which depolarization occurs.
If research indicates favorable answers to these issues, it may pave the way to successful, sustained fusion power based on spin polarization – and in so doing, provide the energy source of the future!
© Jamie Ray. The author grants permission to copy, distribute and display this work in unaltered form, with attribution to the author, for noncommercial purposes only. All other rights, including commercial rights, are reserved to the author.
[1] J. R. Taylor, C. D. Zafiratos and M. A. Dubson, Modern Physics for Scientists and Engineers, 2nd Ed. (Pearson Prentice Hall, 2004).
[2] S. Atzeni and J. Meyer-ter-Vehn, The Physics of Inertial Fusion (Oxford U. Press, 2004).
[3] N. Jarmie, R. E. Brown and R. A. Hardekopf, “Fusion-Energy Reaction 2H(t,α)n from Et = 12.5>
March 22, 2012 10 03 pm edt
My thoughts
I didn’t really understand all the scientific terminology in creating Nuclear Fusion.
This paints a easier picture to digest.
Fusion Spin Dependence
Jamie Ray
March 18, 2011
Submitted as coursework for Physics 241, Stanford University, Winter 2011
This and other tests can shed light on our ability to spin-polarize fuels, the effect of such polarization on fusion cross sections, and the rate at which depolarization occurs.
If research indicates favorable answers to these issues, it may pave the way to successful, sustained fusion power based on spin polarization – and in so doing, provide the energy source of the future!
My thoughts continued:
Nuclear Fusion Formula ideas from “Jamie Ray’s” article.
Spin + polarized fuels + depolarization techniques + sustained fusion power + spin polarization
= 5g UFO Engine speed progress using several techniques of nuclear power.
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