Sunday, April 8, 2012

Embryonic cardiovascular development | Written Essays

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The Angiopoietin-1 growth factor binds to the Tie2 receptor tyrosine kinase on the cell membrane of the endothelial cells allowing the blood vessel to recruit the peri-endothelial cells that will surround it as pericytes and the smooth muscle tissue of the blood vessel , thus maintaining the stability of the blood vessels The growth and multiplication of this primordial vascular plexus occurs through the process of angiogenesis in which new blood vessels arise from pre-existing vascularity


The peripheral cells within these blood islands flatten to form endothelial cells , triggered by the binding of the Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor (VEGF ) to the first of its two receptors , the VEGF-R2 (Flk1 ) protein , which is responsible for the differentiation of mesodermal cells into endothelial cells and the subsequent proliferation of the endothelial cells


Vasculogenesis refers to the in situ differentiation and growth of new blood vessels from mesenchymal cells known as angioblasts which aggregate to form isolated angiogenic cell clusters known as blood islands (angiocysts ) within the extra-embryonic and intra-embryonic mesoderm


All processes occur under the influence of stimuli from genes and paracrine factors , oligosaccharides , multifunctional cytokines and enzymes Vasculogenesis and Angiogenesis Two distinctive mechanisms , vasculogenesis and angiogenesis implement the formation of the vascular network in the embryo


Cellular vacuoles within the developing endothelial cells coalesce and fuse together without cytoplasmic mixing to forma the blood vessel lumen of the initial endothelial tube


This process requires the combination of two signals , Angiopoietin 2 and VEGF , in to promote the loosening of the support cells and the ability of newly exposed endothelial cells to multiply by budding and sprouting into new vessels Replacement of Ang1 by Ang2 on the Tie2 receptor tyrosine kinase destabilizes the vessel integrity thus facilitating vessel sprouting in response to the VEGF signal


The newly formed endothelial cells arrange themselves around the cavities in the blood islands , forming the primitive endothelium


This is followed by the interaction of the endothelial blood vessel with the supporting mesodermal cells


The main processes involved in the development of the embryonic cardiovascular system are Vasculogenesis , Angiogenesis , Hematopoiesis , Erythropoiesis and Heart Formation


The new endothelial tubule then interacts with the surrounding mesenchymal cells in part as a response to Ang1 which acts on the

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