Wednesday, April 11, 2012

holmestice: ah well, why not

Name: [info]falling_voices
Contact email: will be PM'd to the mods.

I will create: Fic.
In the following parts of fandom: BBC series.
For the following pairings: Sherlock/John; I also quite like the dynamics in the relationships between Sherlock&Molly, Sherlock&Irene, and John&Irene (especially John&Irene).
I like working with the following categories: Slash/femslash; angst, UST, explicit or implicit sexual content, genderswap, H/C in mild doses, domesticity &/or platonic intimacy, canon rewriting, character studies, magical realism, Hiatus or post-Hiatus dynamics, anything in any way related to storytelling, specifically John's. I tend to work better with non-unhappy endings, but ambiguous/open-ended pieces are fine.
I am willing to create for the following kinks: Bondage, orgasm denial, dry orgasms, body writing/painting, sartorial kinks, massive amounts of UST, bloodplay, any focus on lengthy kissing, any focus on conversations about sexuality and likes and dislikes in bed (with or without a physical realisation of these conversations later on).

I want to receive: Fic.
In at least one of the following parts of fandom: ACD canon, Granada 'verse, BBC series.
For at least one of the following pairings: Sherlock Holmes/John Watson, friendship or bromance or full-on romance.
I like stuff in the following categories: Everything I listed up there; plus AUs, asexuality (any fic in which they have to consider their own limits re: sexuality and work around them, actually), dark!fic, a focus on the main characters from an outsider's perspective, massive misunderstandings, any kind of focus on the way Sherlock's mind works. A happy ending (or at least a non-unhappy one) would be preferable.
I wouldn’t mind any of the following kinks: Everything I listed up there; plus gore, D/s dynamics, virgin sex — so long as it keeps strictly in character, barebacking, toys. Please avoid non-con/dub-con, humiliation, and adultery, as these are major squicks.

Please include further details about what you’d like to receive: I adore angst, pining and misunderstandings, especially if Sherlock and John or Holmes and Watson are not previously in a relationship and are still trying to understand or tamper down their feelings. If the narrative focuses on their physicality and the details that make up their lives, all the ways they compromise around each other in order to work well together, all the better. I'm a bit of a sucker for late-night stolen moments, sharing clothes and/or dressing each other up, conversations that hinge on half-words and semi-implications, and slightly unbalanced, possessive relationships that aren't quite equal give and take but somehow work, anyway. I love TRF-era or post-Hiatus fic, especially if you tackle either 1. Moriarty's use of fairytales in the BBC episode, or 2. the return in a slightly more original and intricate way than John/Watson fainting or throwing a punch (and even more so if you focus on how flawed memories can be and how differently they remember themselves from before the Fall, as well as all the ways they have both changed during the Hiatus and need to try and fit together again). Anything in which John is clever and figures it out before Sherlock even returns is gold in my eyes.

(I'd rather you didn't include any John/Mary, as she usually tends to be either characterized as the shrew in their way or thrown aside as soon as Sherlock comes back, which is a shame, because Mary is a fantastic character in the books. Love triangles are not something I enjoy much.)
Really, though, you can elaborate on anything that includes 1. the two of them being absolutely mad for each other and unable to keep their paws off each other, and 2. studying their lives as they compromise around each other to make it work, and you'll make me happy.

Special requests: Case fics are not my forte — I usually work better with characterization-related pieces, magical realism, or some very detailed sequences that eventually fuse together. I'm also writing a lot of genderswap these days, so I wouldn't mind continuing in that direction if someone really wants some femslash.


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