Sunday, April 1, 2012

Quiche Lorraine & all her friends. « Guiltless Splurge

Quiche Lorraine & all her friends.

Quiche: n. A baked flan or tart with a savory filling thickened with eggs.

An omelet inside of a pie? Quite simply one of the most satisfying brunch foods made possible. It’s that blend of savory breakfast with the subtle sweetness of flaky crust, and pairing of the creamy filling with the flaky crust.

The bad news: the typical slice of quiche (ya know, the fluffy yet somehow dense blend of cheese, meat, and vegetables) has anywhere from around 400-500 calories. Fat being the primary contributor.

The good news: there’s a bunch of recipes out there that replace the fat by making simple substitutions. The recipe below took me no more than 7-8 minutes to add to a blender & then place in the oven. *Make sure to read the bisquick & PAM tricks!

OUT: Pre-made Pie Crust               IN: Bisquick

OUT: Heavy Cream                            IN: Fat Free Half & Half

OUT: 6 Eggs                                           IN: Egg beaters (or egg whites + 2 eggs)

OUT: Full Fat Cheese                        IN: Fat Free Cheddar & Reduced Fat Mozz.

OUT: Meat                                             IN: Lots & lots of veggies to make it packed


prep time: 8 minutes 

cook time: 40-50 minutes

1 cup Bisquick*

Fat-free Half and Half

1 + 1/2 cup Egg Beaters** (or egg whites + 2 eggs)

Fat Free Shredded Cheese

Frozen Vegetables (spinach, broccoli, peppers)


Sundried Tomato & Basil Seasoning

The measures are all estimates depending on what you like. Preheat the oven to 350 degrees. Spray a pie plate with PAM. Thaw or defrost your vegetables. Squeeze out any excess water. Add the egg beaters, half and half, bisquick, and seasoning to a blender. Blend until well incorporated. Add your vegetables to the pie plate and pour the egg mixture on top of it. Add the shredded cheese, using a fork to mix it through out.

Layer the tomatoes on top of everything, and add more shredded cheese on top. **Lightly spray the cheese with PAM. (This breaks down molecules in fat free cheese and allows it to melt more evenly – see the previous pizza post from Chef’s Chemistry! Place in the oven for about 40-50 minutes.

*Although the bisquick is incorporated through out the entire egg-mixture, when placed in the oven it spreads evenly out to the edges.

GUILTESS SPLURGE QUICHE (makes about 5 LARGE slices), 1 slice ~ 145 calories, 2 g fat, 17 g carb, 15 g protein, 3 g sugar.

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