Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Sky Angel Faith & Family Television - Christian TV, Radio and Video ...

By Robert Steffensen April 12th, 2012

I was saddened to hear about the passing of “The Painter Of Light� Thomas Kinkade. What an inspiration his art is to this world! I remember checking out a Thomas Kinkade Gallery, and being in awe and wonderment over all the beautiful paintings! He was definitely a talented and gifted man!

I noticed on the NRB network a program called, “God Is The Master Artist� and just had to check it out. A Christian artist, Jerry Yarnell, (of “Yarnell School of Fine Art�) was the host, and he was instructing how to paint a sunset. I like how he started with an already painted brownish-red canvas to get rid of the “whiteness� of the canvas. I marveled over how he could fuse together a mess of colors on his brush and get just the right consistency! He definitely made it look way too easy. My combination of colors tend to turn out looking like mud! Check out his web site at

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