Since Christmas, I find that each time I go into my sewing room I have a new little surprise waiting for me on my ironing board. Our kids received some Perler Beads and they love them. Do you remember these?? Did you have them growing up?? I know I did. Hours of entertainment placing those little beads on the pegs.
So, I iron them and fuse together their little patterns and then return their surprise. Each time being told about the wonderful inspiration they had for their pattern and how this new one is their absolute favorite so far. They can get pretty creative and I just love how happy they are when making them. (Except when the 3 year old comes along and wants to join in, then not so happy :)
But I think my favorite part about these is how I get inspiration for designing. I mean, how cool is that color combo on that multi-colored hexagon. And I have quite a few patterns buzzing around in my head from designs they come up with in beads :) You really do find inspiration everywhere :)
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