Saturday, March 24, 2012

The lost Art of Reading « Library @ Essar International School

The art of reading is lost. It has been lost to internet gaming, television and a mass cramming of activities in each day. Activities like tuitions, extra curriculums and what not leave children little time to play., outdoors or indoors, let alone read.
It is known fact that when children are alone they tend towards internet gaming or watching television, both of which are visually very rich, but reading is a life skill. It broadens horizons, develops knowledge and information base, stimulate the imagination and develops perceptions and sensitivity.
Reading can be defined as ‘,a king meaning out of print’. Reading is a process of recognition of letter and word cluster, interpretation of them and then perception. It is rather complex. A Reading model would include word perception, which include pronunciation and meaning, comprehension involving a clear grasp of what is read, reaction to and evaluation of ideas and assimilation of what is read. These aspects can be discussed separately, but when you read these acts fuse together as a ‘unitary act’.
Good readers are purposeful and active. They know when they have or have not understood a passage. They think about what they know about subject, make predictions about a story, ask questions and search for answer and recognize story structure such as setting, plot, characters and themes. Good readers summarise – they determine the main idea and important information.
Some activities which promote reading are presenting a book, talking or discussing it in a club or better still, writing a review. Games or competitions related to books can be fun. Keeping a diary with comments on what you’ve read helps jog the memory and can be quite helpful in storytelling.
Most people like a good story that is told well. So, get that dusty tome off the shelf, join a library or book club and Read.

From : Robin Age


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