Walesis tegutsev elektroonilist biiti viljelev Darkhouse Fam on kahemehe projekt, milles ühendavad jõud UK põrandaaluses muusikaskenes juba mõnda aega kanda kinnitanud muusikud Metabeats ja Don Leisure. Koos hakkasid nad oma loomingut avaldama alles mõned aastad tagasi ning oma kaelamurdvate träkkidega pälvisid nad ka kohe hulgaliselt tähelepanu. Käesoleval reedel, 23. märtsil tuleb duo Tartusse, klubisse Kink Konk esitlema oma veebraris ilmunud EP’d “In&Out”.
Uurisime asjaosaliselt meeleolusid ja suundi. Autentsuse huvides ei pidanud me vajalikuks intervjuud tõlkida.
1.You both definetly must have had somekind of nicknames during your stay on this lovely planet? Can you give us a few and the stories behind them?
Jamal: People call me all sorts of shit. Raj Clart is one, Jamalington another and also Don Leisure.. The stories are secrets about those.
Che: Metabeats, Pergyl which means ‘danger’ in welsh. And also FetaBeats – FetaBeats and Don Chedda!
2. Now we get to your music – if one listens to it, he or she might think that it’s heavy and banging, but somehow sensual at the same time. Is one of you a hard hitter and the other one brings the hint of tenderness to the duo? How do these diverse elements fuse together, and come to life in your music?
We can both do both styles. It all depends on the mood that day. We both like all sorts of music so we try fuse as much in as we can within our certain style.
3. We were lucky enough to attend one of the lectures of Chuck D of Public Enemy and he urged his listeners to form bands because the group energy is more powerful and unique. Its fading away in the era of one-man-bands where literally anyone can make music on their laptops and get famous using the might of networking. What are the processes behind you guys working together and can you maybe give us a brief insight into your musical marriage?
Che: We both do our own separate projects and bounce ideas back and forth about those anyway so it made sense for us to do a collaborative project after we started hanging out.
Jamal: The process is really simple. Just get together. Eat some gourmet food and knock out some dope beats.
4. People can debate the existence of turning points and profound events in our lives but we sincerly believe in them. In our experience it can be a dream, acquaintance, talk, song or just a thought you stumble upon while doing your everyday chores. What have been yours? Any inspirational points in your lives?
Jamal: When I first saw Aphex Twin in a club. I was 16 or 17 and it blew me away.
Che: The day my 7th child was born.
5. Can you both give us 3 movies that you think everybody must see at least once in their lifetime?
Jamal: Superfly, Princess Mononoke & The Big Lebowski.
Che: Cool Runnings, Jurassic Park 2 & Weekend At Bernies.
6. If someone asks you on gunpoint to make a piechart then how big of a slice of your everyday lives takes the music? We aint holdin’ no gunz, but what are the other slices?
78% music, 20% smoke and eating 2%, sleeping 10%.
7. “It just ends. Like pulling the plug of your TV set or something similar happens.” That is how our good friend responded to the next somewhat morbid question – what happens when you die? We here definetly loved the idea of Conspiracy Keanu where he pondered the possibility of the light at the end of the tunnel being actually the first light outside of your mothers womb..
Jamal: wow
Che: I believe we all come back in another life. But as animals. Animals with a purpose and a spiritual message y’know.
8. Please give us a little sci-fi story of what will happen in music in coming couple of years. We would really like it to be a story of 2 “sisters” called Commercial and Underground. Will there be any new genres? Will the analog and hardware make their comeback or will the triumph of bits and gigas continue? What part will the UK music scene play in global story?
Jamal: who knows man? I ain’t got no idea..
9. Last but not least, something for more conventional folks. What is happening with you both after the ‘In & Out’ EP? What are you future plans, collabos, ideas, projects?
After the in and out ep there will be a lot of projects with us and with CRST. A project with arp101, a new compilation for earnest endeavours, Metabeats solo album. A few more ‘put em on blast’ CDs, Cardiff acid allstars, Don leisure solo stuff and CRST album for valve recordings.
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