Friday, January 27, 2012

Rarely Known Baby Facts » Artikel Plaatsen

You already know that most of a baby’s day centers on his sleeping, relieving himself and his feeding habits. But do you know why babies move the way they do? Have you figured out the secret to infant development? So many people do not understand the little things about why a baby grows the way it does. Other parents decide to learn everything they can about the way their child grows and develops as it gets older.

Babies are never dull! Only half of the things you have learned about babies is correct. Here are some interesting facts about infant development.

At birth a baby’s skull has yet to fuse together. This is just one of the things that makes a newborn so fragile to hold. Your baby’s “soft spot” is nothing to play around with-if you are not careful you could cause your baby serious harm. About three months after your baby is born its skull plates will have started to fuse together and you won’t have to be quite so careful with the soft spot at the back of his or her head. You will need to continue to be careful with the front of your child’s skull for a while longer because the frontal plates take longer (up to eighteen months) to harden up.

In spite of taking a few months to start forming words that adults can identify, the range of sounds babies can make is amazing. These sounds are possible because the baby’s voice box isn’t finished forming until the baby is older. This is why an infant’s vocal range is wider than that of an adult. Listen carefully because before you know it your baby will have started to use his sounds for different items. It is because of this that a mother is able to learn what a child wants just by listening to him cry for a few seconds. Babies first words usually come from the front of the mouth and are often accidental consonants broken up by vowels. In a baby’s vocabulary “mama” usually comes after “dada” because it is harder for babies to learn how to make the “m” sound.

While most doctors recommend against consuming mercury while a woman is pregnant, eating non mercury forms of fish can be quite healthy. Eating salmon while you are pregnant is good because salmon is chock full of healthy nutrients for you and your baby and it does not contain mercury the way other types of fish do. It is believed that eating fish both improves the brain function of a fetus and sets them up for superior communication skills later in life and that women who do not eat fish will not be able to pass these things along to their children. Of course this has yet to be scientifically proven so, if you do not particularly like salmon, don’t lose sleep over this. Babies are really interesting little people. Nobody really knows exactly how they learn or how quickly they learn it. There is nothing like watching a baby grow from an infant into an adult-it is a fascinating and mind boggling process!

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