To understand how Cervical Fusion can help you and relieve your back pain, it is important to understand the basic parts of the spine. The spine consists of 24 spinal bones or pieces of a small circle of a line, one above the other. Different parts of the column are given a specific name to help identification. Most of the spine called the bones found in the neck. Between each spine is disc pads that absorb shocks and protect bones separated from each other. At the back of each spine is a small hole that allows the spinal column known as the spinal cord to run through, protected from external power.
If a patient suffers sudden destructive injured back or neck, this disk can be driven out of place. Of course from time to time, which is filled with liquid and dehydrated disc less increased. The pain can also be caused by bone spurs. This is the sharp pieces of bone from the spine to grow their own and other bones rub or aggravate the nerve. To relieve pain, surgeons perform a Laminectomy or a small slice in the neck of the patient, just below the chin. Surgeon will remove the problem that causes the disk most likely due to a rupture. Piece of bone is then inserted to fill the disk space that had to move, to a height of spinal column and the distance between the backbones remains the same. This is part of a good bone from the pelvis of patients, Krista iliaka, or a bone bank. Cervical Fusion of the bones is little more successful in the case of an autogeneous bone graft. An allograft reduces healing time, but cannot be fused with other bones. If all goes correctly, the bones will fuse together into a larger part of the bone, reducing the possibility of a painful situation because the bones can no longer rub against each other or pinch nerves.
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