Most people know at least the basic baby things. You understand that babies do not recognize most people right away. You already know that a baby will understand on instinct who his mother is even within a minute of being born. You’ve probably learned that babies develop at their own rate. There is no set date for walking, talking, forming complete sentences, potty training, rolling over, etc. There is so much more to know about babies and how they develop and grow! Nothing is more interesting than watching a baby grow up. Even within the first few years of a person’s life there are millions of fascinating changes. Even though it doesn’t look that complicated the truth is that growing up is fraught with challenges and changes!
The skull of a baby is still in independent plates at the time of birth. The lack of a solid skull is what makes it so scary for so many adults to hold babies right after they are born! This is why that space on the back of a newborn’s head is called the soft spot and you need to handle it with care or you could do some serious damage to your baby. About three months after your baby is born its skull plates will have started to fuse together and you won’t have to be quite so careful with the soft spot at the back of his or her head. You will need to continue to be careful with the front of your child’s skull for a while longer because the frontal plates take longer (up to eighteen months) to harden up.
Did you know that some babies are born with teeth? On the other hand, other babies don’t even start teething until they are more than a year old.
Most parents dread the teething process. There is no right age for teething to start so don’t start to freak out if it happens “too early” or “takes too long” to start. All babies develop at their own paces and even if your other children started teething at a certain age, there is no guarantee that this baby will do the same.
Babies have a harder time communicating verbally and often resort to physical communication until they learn how to talk. This is why so many parents swear by the “Baby Signs” program. These parents teach their kids how to sign for things like food, drink, diaper changes, naps, etc and it makes it a lot easier for babies to communicate what they need. Communication skills of adults who were taught physical communication style before verbal communication style are better than those who were simply taught how to talk as young kids.
There are all sorts of great and interesting facts about babies that are not common knowledge. Everybody knows that babies grow up at an alarming rate. Do you know exactly how development occurs? Do you know all of the neat things that happen between conception and adulthood? Infant development is an incredibly interesting subject to learn about-just look at the neat things you’ve learned already.
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