You should already know at least a little bit about babies. You understand that babies do not recognize most people right away. Most babies are able to recognize their mothers immediately after being born, but you already knew that. Most people understand that each baby will develop at his or her own pace. Development milestones happen when they happen-how a baby grows up is not an exact science. The truth is, however that there are lots of things about a child’s development that most people do not know. Infancy is a fascinating period in human development. Between conception and toddlerhood is an incredibly exciting time. Even though it doesn’t look that complicated the truth is that growing up is fraught with challenges and changes!
Did you know that babies are born with three hundred bones in their bodies? After a person finishes growing up he or she only has two hundred and six bones. You do not lose any bones as you grow up; the reason an adult has fewer bones than a baby is because as the baby grows some of his bones fuse together. Many believe that this is one of the main reasons that a baby is so much more flexible physically as an adult-because the bones are able to move independently of one another in infancy. If you stop to think about it, it does make some sense: when was the last time you could put your feet in your mouth?
Odd as it might sound, some babies come out with some teeth already in place! Other babies don’t start getting their teeth in until well after their first birthdays.
Teething is a process that many parents fear more than they look forward to seeing. There is no reason to fret if your child starts teething earlier or later than his peers. Each baby is different and develops at his or her own pace so, even though you might have had three kids who started teething at six months, that doesn’t mean that your newest baby will start at that time.
While crying is the baby’s main way of signaling that he or she needs or wants something, there won’t be any tears with that wail until a few weeks after he has been born. When a person gets stressed he or she secretes a hormone that is only found in tears. This is one of the reasons people cry when they are stressed-the tears release the hormones which calms the body down. Babies do not produce these hormones before birth. The stress hormone does not usually start to show up until the baby has been out of the womb for at least a few weeks. It takes other babies a few months to begin producing the hormone and crying real tears.
There are plenty of developmental facts about babies that few people know. Ironically, the more information an adult has on a subject the more patience he or she usually has for it when faced with it.
Learning about babies and how they function can help you be a better parent. Get started!
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Tags: baby, baby development
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