Ghost & Goblin
Ghost & Goblin is an alternative lo-fi indie band from New York. Featuring eclectic sounds ranging from hip hop, punk, blues rock, electronica and garage, members Nicholas DiMichele and Spencer Synwolt fuse together an alarming, rewarding mix of home-brew sounds: Minimalist production, minimalist editing, and honest-to-God human beings at the wheel in all their DIY glory. Ghost & Goblin formed shortly after the breakup of their former band, The Kobolds, in late 2011. Originally from Texas, DiMichele and Synwolt have a personal history that is apparent in their on-stage rock brotherhood as a startlingly full two-piece. Creative use of low-quality, hand-made electrical switches and a needlessly complex labyrinth of cabling and audio equipment drive the variety of sounds they produce on stage. They are recording their debut album now in NYC (due for release in April 2012), and have only released one demo track to satiate the public meanwhile, entitled “New Experiments/Old Machine,” featuring an aggressive, passionate rapper named “Benji,” whose identity remains a mystery.
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