Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Off the Wall Wednesday: What to Expect in Pokemon Black & White ...

Recently, Nintendo announced Pokemon Black & White 2. After a decade of Pokemon RPGs, never have we seen a direct sequel to a specific game, so clearly, this announcement set the gaming industry on fire.

Pokemon fans all over the world wondered what to expect–
“What’s the deal with Black Kyurem and White Kyurem?”
“Is it a brand new adventure where you will get to use your Pokemon from previous games during the journey?”

and much more.

Well I am here to tell you what I believe will be featured in Pokemon Black and White 2. How far off the mark will I be? Well let me just say, it’s “Off the Wall Wednesday”. Let’s go.

I haven’t discussed this too frequently in the Lounge, but I am a Digimon fanboy. I played the first four Playstation games (I could only endure so much heartbreak) and watched the first four seasons of the anime. In season 2, DNA Digivolving (2 Digimon “evolving” together to become a brand new Digimon) was introduced. When I saw the promo pictures of Black Kyurem and White Kyurem, DNA Digivolving immediately came to mind but then I came to my senses.

Can you imagine how massive this game would be if additional Pokemon were allowed to fuse together? Just that thought alone lets me know that Pokemon Black & White 2 could not be coming a mere year later with that massive of an addition to the game.

Most seasoned Pokemon fans expected Pokemon Gray to be the next announced game in generation V. It just made sense when looking at the history of the core series (Pokemon Yellow following Red & Blue, Emerald following Ruby & Sapphire, etc). This is why Pokemon Black & White 2 is such a big deal. Considering that I usually skip the third game in each generation, now I feel somewhat obligated to take part in Pokemon Black & White 2 as a sequel is morally obligated to offer something different as well as expand on what was seen in the previous game.

and finally………..

I bet you were thinking “c’mon Fac3, this isn’t off the wall!”. Well how you like me now? I just don’t see Nintendo debuting a new trio of starters for this sequel as that would just ruin tradition. However, as a sequel, how cool would it be to allow players the opportunity to choose from a wider pool of starting Pokemon…..which is every single one that ever existed? Can’t beat that! If Pokemon Black & White 2 doesn’t allow for all starters as an option, then I expect a different trio of Generation V Pokemon as starters……….. I just hope it’s not the monkey trio….

What do you think gamers will get in Pokemon Black & White 2? Post your thoughts below!

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