Monday, January 9, 2012

Mad Test 65

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20 Questions  I  No Attempts Yet  I  Created By sysplore7 9 mins ago

Question Excerpt From Mad Test 65

Q.1)  A 34-year old woman is treated for UTI with amoxicillin. 5-days after beginning treatment, she develops recurrent fever, abdominal bloating, and diarrhea with  six to eight loose stools per day. You suspect antibiotic-associated colitis. The best diagnostic test for pseudomonas cells ?
Q.2)  For a patient, of CRF which of the following would be specific indication to start dialysis ?
Q.3)  A  63-year old male alcoholic with a 50-pack-year history of smoking presents to you with fatigue and confusion. Examination reveals a BP of 110/70 with no orthostatic change. Heart, lung and abdominal examination are normal and there is no pedal edema. Laboratory data is as follows : Na :110 meq/L, K: 3.7 meq/L Cl : 82 meq/L, HCO3 :20 meq/L Glucose : 100mg/dl, BUN : 5 mg/dl Creatinine :0.7 mg/dl, Urine analysis : normal The most likely diagnosis is
Q.4)  A 55 year old male is being evaluated for constipation. There is no history of upper GI symptoms Hb is 10g/dl, MCV  is 72 f L, and ferritin is 10mg/ L (normal is 15 to 400mg/ L).The next step in the evaluation of this patient’s anemia is?
Q.5)  A patient is found to have adenocarcinoma of the prostate with bony metastases. Treatment of choice is ?
Q.6)  A 30-year-old develops malaria. Three  days after beginning treatment, he develops dark urine, pallor , fatigue, and jaundice. Hematocrit is 30% (it had 43 %) and reticulocyte count is 7 %. He stops taking the medication. Treatment should consist of 
Q.7)  A 25 year old female with blonde hair and fair complexion complain of a mole on her upper back. The lesion is  6mm in diameter ,darkly pigmented, and asymmetric with  a very irregular border. The next step in management is ?
Q.8)  A 45-old-year, comes to you with a 10-day history of nasal congestion, sore throat, dry cough , and initial low-grade fever, all of  which were nearly resolved. However , over the past 24 to 48 h she has developed a sharp chest pain, worse with deep inspiration or cough, but no dyspnea. Due to the severity of the pain, the nurse had obtained an ECG , which showed diffuse ST elevation. On physical exam, you expect the most likely finding to be?
Q.9)  Which of the following is the type of joints between ear ossicles?
Q.10)  A 20-year old complain of diarrhea, burning of the throat , and difficulty swallowing over 2 months. On examination, he has mild jaundice and transverse white striae of the fingernails. There is also evidence for peripheral neuropathy. The best diagnostic study is
Q.11)  The lesser omentum is incised close to its free edge, and the biliary tree is identified and freed by blunt dissection. The liquid contents of the gallbladder are aspirated with a syringe, the fundus incised, and the stones are removed. The entire duct systemic carefully probed for stones, one of which is found to be obstructing a duct. In view of the observation that the patient is not jaundiced, where is the most probable location of the obstruction?
Q.12)  A full-term male infant displays projectile vomiting 1 h after suckling. There is failure to gain weight during the first 2 week. The vomitus is not bile-stained and no respiratory difficulty is evident. Examination reveals an abdomen neither tense nor bloated. Which of the following is the most probable explanation?
Q.13)  Which of the following statements concerning a direct inguinal hernia us correct?
Q.14)  Parts of some human skeletal remains are brought to you. The pelvis is complete, yet  the individual bones of the pelvis, the ilium, ischium, and pubis have just started to fuse together. The subpubic angle you estimate at 60o and the pelvic brim has a distinctive heart shaped appearance. On the basis of this information, you guess the remains are of which of the following?
Q.15)  The patient is scheduled for a hysterosalpingogram, in which radiopaque material is injected into the uterus and tubes. Examination of subsequent radiographs discloses bilateral spillage of the contrast medium into the peritoneal cavity, indicating which of the following?
Q.16)  Which of the following arteries may occasionally arise as a branch of the external iliac artery or inferior epigastric artery instead of as a branch of the internal iliac artery?
Q.17)  The strength of the grasp is greatest with the wrist in the extended position for which of the following reasons?
Q.18)  You deliver a full-term baby boy who is otherwise normal but has a left cleft of the upper lip that extends upward toward the left nostril and left anterior cleft of the primary palate just deep to the cleft lip. These defects are most likely due to a failure of which of the following?
Q.19)  In dislocation of the jaw, displacement of the articular disk beyond the articular tubercle of the temporomandibular joint result from spasm or excessive contraction of which of the following muscles?
Q.20)  The thyroid gland receives its blood supply in part from branches of which of the following?

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