Thursday, January 12, 2012

Shana Falana, Doug Yoel and Paul McMahon Perform at the ...

  • What:  Spotlight on Song Featuring Shana Falana, Doug Yoel and Paul McMahon
  • Where:  The Phoenix/Great Room at the Emerson
  • When:  Thursday, January 19 at 8:00 p.m.
  • Cost:  $5 donation suggested

Dream pop artist SHANA FALANA combines layered sonic and harmonic textures with projected visual imagery to move and mesmerize her audience.  “Sings Falana on the title track with her unbending honesty – ‘In the light it’s gonna be scary.  In the light you’re going to see everything.’”  Mixed by Gareth Jones (Grizzly Bear, Mogwai, Interpol) and produced by Kevin McMahon (Swans, Titus, Andronicus, French Kicks), In the Light was born with glimmers of dreamy pop among deep layers of sonic and harmonic textures.  Legendary players such as cellist Jane Scarpantoni (Lou Reed, Kristen Hirsch, the Yeah Yeah Yeahs) play on the record.  Shana accomplishes her mission with the tribal rant of drummer Michael Amari and a series of original film projections. The combination of Shana’s sound and visual storyboard fuse together to form something larger than the elements that make it up. “It’s 2011 and people want to be stimulated. I think people are starving,” says Shana.

Genre-bending musician DOUG YOEL brings his soulful singing, finger-style guitar playing and award winning production sensibilities to his performances, recordings and poignant, self-revelatory songs.  He’s been hailed by Americana magazine NO DEPRESSION as “One of our favorites.”  Marc Black says Doug’s music has “romantic spirituality…friendly software for the brain.”

Paul McMahon is a legendary singer-songwriter from Woodstock. He has written some of the most beautiful love songs of our time and sings them in beautiful voice. Set against Mississippi John Hurt style fingerpicking, McMahon’s sometimes mindblowing lyrics weave the tale of this Goddess worshipper’s journey of psycho-spiritual healing as he passes through time and a few other dimensions. He has released ten albums and has played in many venues including the Metropolitan Museum, CBGB’s, Knitting Factory, Tinker Street Cafe, and the Kitchen Center.

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