If you have a chronically stiff lower back, it may be a condition known as ankylosing spondylitis.
Typically, “the first joints to be affected are the sacroiliac joints, which link the base of the spine to the pelvis, or hip bone.” Over time, “bony growths fuse the normally separate bones together” which in turn causes a stiffness that gradually moves up the spine “until it affects many if not all, of the joints between your vertebrae.”
In its earliest stages, ankylosing spondylitis usually “starts with pain in the lower portion of the back, which may spread to the buttocks.” When you wake up in the morning, you may find that the pain and stiffness are at their most severe in your hips and spine. Additionally, you may also experience energy and weight loss, a dampened appetite and even a fever.
The disease appears to have the genetic base and runs in families. Ankylosing spondylitis “may be confined to the lower part of the spine or it may be more generalized, resulting in a stiff spinal column that may cause your head to permanently bend down onto your chest.” The rib bones can also become affected: this may cause breathing problems and chest infections. The stiffness can also impact the jawbone and result in speaking and eating difficulties.
Maintaining a regular daily exercise regimen is critical. Experts further recommend that you “sleep on a firm mattress and do not use the pillow.” Consulting with the knowledgeable healthcare professionals at The Taylor Clinic of Specific Chiropractic will also go far in helping you understand the condition and maintain optimum health.
Call our Taylor Chiropractic Clinic at (512) 352-1300.
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