Wednesday, February 1, 2012

CD Review: Aurelia – Latex and Hot Sex « windsorzene

Aurelia is a 4 piece alternative punk-rock metal fusion powerhouse from Windsor, Ontario. The four songs that I had a chance to listen to are available on their Bandcamp page. I had the option of streaming or downloading everything for free, which is considerably nice of them to offer since all of the songs were recorded by Glenn Fricker at Spectre Sound Studios.

While Iʼm on the subject of Spectre Studios I just want to say that bands of this genre are smart to use Glenn to record their sound. He truly lays down the right amount of production needed to capture all of the technical aspects that bands like these base their sound around. Notably the drums, bass, guitar and vocals were all very clear without overpowering each other. This allowed the band to create some truly brilliant dynamics in all of their songs.

I only had to listen to the EP once to realize that the musicians in the band all have different tastes (either that or they all suffer from severe cases of ADD). They were able to tastefully blend and fuse together multiple genres of music into single songs, which made everything they had to offer really interesting to listen to. The song Bobʼs Overwhelming Rage demonstrated their amalgamation of genres that included some blast-from-the-past punk riffs into some savvy tech-metal polyrhythmic drum patterns.

Since there were only 4 songs available for listening it was hard to really come up with any major criticisms, other than that sometimes it felt like they were trying too hard to create something original by changing the style too drastically during some of the songs. I think more drawn out transitions would help make some of the songs more conceptual and easier for the listener to follow without thinking that they accidentally hit ʻnextʼ on their iPod.

I definitely think that Aureliaʼs originality will be the reason why theyʼll do so well in this city and ones they visit. They are a great addition to Windsors ever expanding music scene and I look forward to hear what else these guys have to offer. Overall, Iʼm happy to report that I thoroughly enjoyed Latex, and Hot Sex (a double entendre? maybe.)

Favorite songs – Rip it out / Bobʼs Overwhelming Rage


Nicholas Angelini



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