PINCH! Ouch!! What the hell?
Lightning bolts illustrating electromagnetically pinched plasma filaments
What is PINCH?
WIKIPEDIA says it best:
A pinch is the compression of an electrically conducting filament by magnetic forces. The conductor is usually a plasma, but could also be a solid or liquid metal. In a z-pinch, the current is axial (in the z direction in a cylindrical coordinate system) and the magnetic field azimuthal; in a theta-pinch, the current is azimuthal (in the theta direction in cylindrical coordinates) and the magnetic field is axial. The phenomenon may also be referred to as a “Bennett pinch”[1] (after Willard Harrison Bennett), “electromagnetic pinch”,[2] “magnetic pinch”,[3] “pinch effect”[4] or “plasma pinch”.[5]
Pinches occur naturally in electrical discharges such as lightning bolts,[6] the aurora,[7] current sheets,[8] and solar flares.[9] They are also produced in the laboratory, primarily for research into fusion power, but also by hobbyists (crushing aluminium cans).
Did you catch that above bit? Simulated lightning and related lab effects can crush aluminum cans! Wow. Not to mention, the Hutchison effect experiment from Youtube, conducted by John Hutchison, in which he was able to warp and twist a 7″ x2″ x2″ iron ingot by employing a heat-free method of electromagnetic ferric sublimation! I barely understand it either, don’t worry. There was also an article or study I linked in that blog post, about the “MAGNETO-ELASTICITY” of iron and iron products, and how inducing certain fields into iron “brings out the flaws” in the iron, causing physical collapse! Anyone say 9/11 much? Hah!
FUSION: what is it?
Fusion power is the power generated by nuclear fusion processes. In fusion reactions two light atomic nuclei fuse together to form a heavier nucleus (in contrast with fission power). In doing so they release a comparatively large amount of energy arising from the binding energy due to the strong nuclear force which is manifested as an increase in temperature of the reactants. Fusion power is a primary area of research in plasma physics.
MORE ON PINCH FROM WIKIPEDIA (read the bold bit please):
Pinches are created in the laboratory in equipment related to nuclear fusion, such as the Z-pinch machine, and high-energy physics, such as the dense plasma focus. Pinches may also become unstable,[11] and generate radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum, including radio waves, x-rays[12] and gamma rays,[13] and also neutrons[14] and synchrotron radiation.[15] Types of pinches, that may differ in geometry and operating forces,[16] include the cylindrical pinch, inverse pinch, orthogonal pinch effect, reversed field pinch, sheet pinch, screw pinch[17] (also called stabilized z-pinch, or θ-z pinch),[18] theta pinch (or thetatron[19]), toroidal pinch, ware pinch[20] and Z-pinch.
Pinches are used to generate X-rays, and the intense magnetic fields generated are used in electromagnetic forming of metals (they have been demonstrated in crushing aluminium soft drinks cans[21]). They have applications to particle beams[22] including particle beam weapons,[23] and astrophysics.[24]
I am having a lot of trouble finding anything on these except for stupid Star Trek links, LOLOL. Now, don’t go to the website this came from, as it is selling a product I cannot vouch for in the slightest (at this time), but read the following:
Nikola Tesla first described tachyon fields at the end of the 19th century and used this energy in some of his inventions. Tachyon energy is observed to affect subatomic structures in an ordering way, aligning molecular structures uniformly, harmonizing life energy and by neutralising disruptive or dissonant fields.
Hm, interesting!
December 29, 1990 TACHYON1.ASC -------------------------------------------------------------------- The Symposium on Energy Technology in Hannover November 27 and 28, 1980 Topic of the Symposium (Tachyon Field) by Dr. Hans A. Nieper Space is filled with an energy field, the energy concentration of which is extremely large (for the layman, the energy field in this lecture room could correspond to the energy of several bombs.) This energy field has little to do with light energy or solar energy, and instead is called the GRAVITON FIELD, TACHYON FIELD or NEUTRINO FIELD. There are two essential models of imagination for this field and the tachyon. We are either dealing with EXTREMELY SHORT WAVES which possess VERY HIGH ENERGY electromagnetic radiation, or we are dealing with very small energy units which display a PULSATING BEHAVIOR which, in turn, determines their energy. <---- Most scientists have a tendency to use the model of PULSATING UNITS (quantum jiggle or Zero Point Energy in modern terms). These units can move MUCH FASTER THAN THE SPEED OF LIGHT, however, they need not often do so. According to some scientists, the Tachyon Field DETERMINES THE SPEED OF LIGHT. It would then correspond exactly to the geometric average (V50) of the tachyon speed (Koppitz). If the speed of light corresponds to the geometric average of the sum of the tachyon speeds, this would mean that the speed of light would also change with changes in the characteristics of the Tachyon Field. The late Canadian physicist W. Smith wrote that the speed of light, in general, is assumed to be quite static (constant) in our universe. It is defined as "the rate at which space moves within time." However, if this is considered in terms of the new field concept (Tachyon Field), then the speed of light DEPENDS on the TIME CHARACTERISTICS of the field. The speed of light, therefore, is ONLY constant when the time characteristics of the Tachyon Field REMAIN constant. However, when these characteristics change (which they always do), then the speed of light CHANGES.
According to our present knowledge, the energy of the Tachyon Field can be transformed into other energy types in many ways. 1) The Tachyon Field penetrates masses and gives off part of its energy by means of a BRAKING EFFECT. This leads to the central heating of masses (geothermal energy). Today the principle has been verified mostly by analogous investigations of the Moon and Venus. It can be assumed that, when penetrating the Earth mass, the travelling Tachyon Field will give up about 4% of its energy. This calculation is very vague, and cannot be given more precisely at this time (Nieper). The GEOTHERMAL ENERGY can be considered as captured GRAVITY FIELD ENERGY. It is generated continuously from the outside and can theoretically be removed from the Earth arbitrarily and without causing any damage. 2) Magnetic and electrostatic fields are capable of intercepting tachyon energy (refer the work of T. Townsend Brown i.e, the Biefield/Brown Effect - BIEBRN1 & BIEBRN2 on KeelyNet). The intercepted energy (or braking effect) may increase exponentially with the field strength. Masses which are subject to large magnetic induction apparently absorb especially large amounts of tachyon energy because of principle 1 (and 2). The Jupiter Moon IO seems to be an example of this. 3) Very abrupt voltage changes apparently withdraw energy from the Tachyon Field. This principle seems to play a role in the formation of lightning energy. Experiments based on this principle include the Gray convertor, where discharges are fed in from a condensor system to a conventionally designed electric motor, instead of the conventional electric field. The Gray motor has an efficiency of over 100%; that is, it can produce more energy than is required for its operation. During an electrical short circuit, the energy flow apparently is greater in a special experimental configuration than would be expected from the supplied power (Kromrey). 4) The so-called "standing electromagnetic wave" and certain other manipulations of electromagnetic waves seem to disturb mutual "tolerance" between the electromagnetic waves and the Tachyon Field. This leads to ENERGY REMOVAL FROM THE TACHYONS into the electromagnetic wave which become "UNSYMPATHETIC." This principle was discovered by physicist Nikola Tesla about 100 years ago and was used by him to experimentally extract Tachyon Field energy and convert it into electrical current. By adopting the term "interference", specialists today speak of a "Tesla interferometer." Tesla at that time prediced the technical exploitation of space energy "within a few generations." He was about 100 years ahead of his time. The exceptional importance of this man is only now becoming known. The Tesla Principle is considered by specialists today to be a classic example of tachyon energy conversion. The recently developed "Tesla Cannon" is based on this principle. The electromagnetic waves are modified in the form of laser bundling, so that they absorb additional tachyon energy. Such a beam can have a destructive effect in space over hundreds of kilometers and has a very high energy. The American physicist Dr. Moray did not fire Tesla modified waves into space. Instead he directed them into an insulated cable 15 meters long. Inside the cable, energy is removed from the Tachyon Field. Dr. Moray was able to produce a continous power of 70 KW direct current! This occurred in 1929. Forty years earlier Tesla directed a "Tesla-beam" over a long distance onto a piece of metal and made numerous electrical bulbs light up. The effective energy was much greater than that emitted by the generator.
This is the best ever IMO. @.@*
Dr. Hans A. Nieper, Prof. A.A. Michelson
The majority of them (tachyons) may remain relatively stationary (these are called BRADYONS) and because of their OSCILLATORY BEHAVIOR (Prof. Seike calls it "trembling motion" [Zitterbewegung]), they HAVE A GREAT AMOUNT OF ENERGY.
« Reply #2 on:Today at 01:39:42 PM »
I was listening and participating in a discussion last week at,3164.msg24101/topicseen.html#newRe: INTERACTIONS WITH THE FOURTH DIMENSION CHAT *UPDATED* FOR MARCH 7, 2012This guy comes on and lays it out. I am not here with an agenda ……just .. this works with my own experience.
Revelations 12:9 And the great dragon was cast out, that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world: he was cast out into the earth, and his angels were cast out with him.I don’t remember everything that was said but, there wasn’t a whole lot that I could disagree with .
Basically the Van Allen Radiation belt are the prison bars. The Transdimensional beings we call demons need 3-D bodies to effect 3-D in order to escape here.
The whole Fluoride Chemtrail and GE nuke program is part Of Project Talent
Culling the herd to see who survives all the shiite thrown at us. Survivors win the prize of getting to be used as symbiots aboard the attempts to escape the deadly Van Allen Belt Radiation.
If that is rapture or the much talked of transfiguration I will decline.
I am an NDE
Quote:My spirit left my body and I traveled toward the light through the galaxies. When I entered the light I entered what I can best
describe as a universal, sublime and unconditional love for all of creation impossible to describe with human words.End quote.
We are only imprisoned by the flesh. Our spirits have no problem with the Van Allen Belt.
From Chaniproject:
Thank you for sharing your personal experiences with the fourth dimension. We had 14 attendees and a very lively after chat, that continued until about 3 pm PST. Below I am going to give links for the one hour and twelve minute basic talk that Neo gave, along with a question and answer segment, unfortunately we had people for the after chat that requested I not record while they were speaking.
Thank you..I look forward to seeing you next week..I don’t want get into any fundy arguments here i’m just saying to think about it.P.S I am not into eugenics or work for Gov/Cabal in any way. Regards
On a Lighter Note:
Architectural Wonders which Point Toward Heaven, space travel, the “Number of the Beast” (and Ezekiel’s Wheel?):
The “Rose Line”
Vazart’s selection of the Bee is entirely consistent with the subject matter his organisation was studying, for France is known as l’Hexagone, due to its natural 6-sided shape. Coincidently, the centre line of l’Hexagone closely mirrors the old Paris Meridian, passing near Paris in the north and Rennes-Le-Château in the south. The Paris Meridian – an imaginary arc that measures the hours of the day – was later replaced by London’s Greenwich Meridian as the international standard for time keeping. However, in recent years the Paris Meridian has been romanticized and somewhat merged with the notion of the Rose-Line, a mythical sort of ley-line that allegedly connects esoterically significant sites from Roslyn Chapel in Scotland to Saint Sulpice in Paris, and on to Rennes-Le-Château in the South of France. Despite its spurious invention, it is worth mentioning that the two sites that top and tail the Rose-Line; Roslyn Chapel and Rennes-Le-Château, each feature Bee symbolism in rather bizarre ways. And while we have only begun to unravel Rennes-Le-Château’s connection with Bees, it would be a shame if we did not pause long enough to first discuss its Rose-Line counterpart in the north.
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