> Has anybody ever tried to deep fry chicken feet until the fat is
> completely rendered out and the skin is crispy? .Similar to how onme
> might fry chicken skins to render the fat and make crispy chicken
> skins void of any moisture (except oil)?
As I recollect, chicken feet are pretty much skin and bone. Why do you
think there's fat in there?
> My thinking is that collagen in the skin/bones will fuse together than
> the many bone sin chicken feet will become welded to the skin. .Bu
> there's also a chance that bones might become brittle enough under
> long deep frying and loss of moisture that they even become edible.
My ggma used the feet to give body to her chicken stock. If you cut up
whole chickens and want to experiment with making bones edible, you
could try using the ribs.
> But these are just theories. There are websites that describe "fried
> chicken feet", but glancing at teh foirst couple pages they all
> describe breaded and fried (sometimes simmering beforehand). .Which is
> not what I want.
How about dim sum style chicken feet?
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