Monday, February 13, 2012

Education » Is Theory of Everything Possible?

At the end of the nineteenth century a thought prevailed among all the scientific community of the world that it is the end of physics. But with discovery of Quantum theory and relativity at the beginning of the century everything was not the same as before and then began the quest for finding the theory of everything.

Quantum theory is all about uncertainty which denied our everyday existence and which thrive on chance. Heisenberg uncertainty principle states that momentum and place of the particle cannot be defined simultaneously with exact preciseness. Albert Einstein commented on this new science by saying a famous quote that “God does not play dice”.

Physics states that there are four forces the force of gravitation, the force of magnetism, the strong force and the weak force.How can one unify the force of large with the force of the small is a puzzle. Gravitation is itself a mystifying force which both Newton and Einstein tried to understand it propounding their own theories to explain it. Newton proposed that force of gravity acts between two bodies invisible but how is it possible for Newton’s second law of motion itself explains that a body at rest will not experience any force until and unless acted upon by an external force. Einstein tries to explain these force of gravity through his general theory of relativity in which he considered entire space-time wrapped into one. According to the theory space has space-time fabric caused by force of gravity. Whole space is a fabric in which body bends this space- time fabric and transfer the force of gravity at the speed of light between the two bodies. Quantum theory is also not yet fully understood where particle physicists are still busy finding out the internal structure of the atoms. However it is itself very hard to understand quantum rules which nullify the sense. Now the dilemma is to tie these two forces into one and get an equation that explains both the forces. So in the end one gets the last equation explaining all the forces. If it could be done it will be the greatest triumph of human quest for knowledge.

Imagine explaining the working of a Quark and the Black hole with the same laws of physics that is with the same logic of equation. Black holes are very dense objects in the universe with very large gravity thus engulfing everything that passed through them, not even light can pass through them. Gravity is a weak force while nuclear forces are very strong. In Black holes the force of gravity is such immense that laws of physics break down and only Quantum rules apply. Study of these black holes might give some clues about interaction of force of gravity and quantum forces.

Magnetic force is a form of even larger force which is attractive as well as repulsive and electric forces are also repulsive and attractive. Strong force is always attractive because this force only binds together repulsive nucleons. Gravitational force is also always attractive not repulsive? If these all forces are a form of a single unifying force then how can these different forces act in different way? One should not have heard of gravity being repulsive between two bodies, it is always attractive. Maybe the Quantum forces that make up bodies which are large are different from the quantum forces that make up the bodies that are small. Quantum forces are more pronounced on micro scale then at larger scale. Strong and weak forces are prevalent at micro scale but not large-scale and vice-versa in case of force of gravity. Matter behaves differently at large-scale then at the micro scale is that the case? If yes then what could have caused the same matter to behave differently at large and small scales.

Physics has propounded the theory of multiverse that there are many dimensions and that there are multiple universes that exist not visible to our naked eye. An insect that cannot fly on a ground can see only two dimensions and third dimension is absolutely unknown to it. Similarly human beings can visualize three dimension space only and the rest of the dimensions are beyond our comprehension. Why God has created us like these is laughable either he did not want us to know the rule by which he created these entire universe or that he is the master and human beings are inferior beings who are not worthy to know things which he knows. The game he played with the forces of nature might be analogues so that humans can understand forces in isolation better but cannot come out with single theory to explain all the forces. Really God is divine and invincible.

Gravity is amusing, Quantum theory is amusing and their combination is musing. The Quarks when studied consists of several flavors which combine to form protons and nucleons. When several Quarks would arrange over several atoms on a large-scale, this arrangement would nullify the attraction between one set of combinations of quarks with other combination of quarks. So in end only a small part of these strong force might prevail so that attraction between quarks of two different bodied becomes small. Imagine an atom where quarks interplay to form strong force that binds the nuclei together where several such atoms arrange together through chemical bonds to form a matter. Now behavior of matter altogether changes and it requires billion of quarks to fuse together and create a weak force such as gravity.

Quark makes up nucleons which makes up nucleus which makes up atom atoms form the matter and give them its identity. Protons are same? Do they have the same identity everywhere in the universe? Do chemical elements differ only because they have different number of protons or rather they have different form of protons? Quarks can orient themselves differently to give different structure to protons depending on their numbers. So Quarks give protons their identity based on number of protons. These give rise to different chemical elements. So Quarks alignment is different even for nucleons giving rise to strong force. These set of alignments and spatial arrangement of quarks can give atoms their neutral character. Due to different alignments this nuclear forces alter themselves and give rise to a small force called force of gravity. So as mass of the body grows the number of nucleons grows and when these small forces sum up to a large size depending directly proportional to the mass of the body. Now Quarks will bind themselves more to the quarks nearby then at further distances because quarks bends space more at nearby space then at further distances so their effect gets negligible at large distances. So in sense the force application should vary directly in proportional to distance. It is analogues to strong force which is very attractive at short-range but its size gets very less for distances further similarly force of gravity varies inversely with distance. F=m*dv/dt which implies F=m*c which further implies F=c.Now c*t=distance which implies considering time as negligibly constant F=distance. If force travel through time space fabric which is geodesic in nature then force strength must get less with increase in distances which governs our inverse square law which is nothing but an approximation. So how to calculate force of gravity between two bodies’ first sum up all the vector sums of forces among atoms that make up the body and then apply distance law to find out how much gravitational force the body can exert at a distance. At Quantum scale the space-time fabric is negligible to have any effect on strong forces.

Supernova is gigantic phenomenon where an old star undergoes a gigantic explosion and turns into a neutron star. When star reaches its late mature stage it starts using nuclear fuel rapidly giving rise to explosion called supernova explosion. The matter converts into energy by Einstein’s law E=mc2 and what is left is a small star called a neutron star. Now as the star exploded the protons fuse together to form different elements with fusion of protons.


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